Why classical myth and autism?

Why classical myth and autism?

The idea for this project started to take shape at a meeting in 2008 with a special needs teacher, who mentioned that, in her experience and those of her colleagues, autistic children often enjoy classical myth. I began to wonder why this might be the case, and whether – as a classicist who researches, and loves, classical myth – there was anything I could contribute. I started this blog to report on my progress which was often sporadic until the launch of the Warsaw-based European Research Council-funded project Our Mythical Childhood (2016-22) to trace the role of classics in children’s culture.

My key contribution to the project is an exploration of classics in autistic children’s culture, above all by producing myth-themed activities for autistic children. This blog shares my progress, often along Herculean paths, including to a book of lessons for autistic children focusing on the Choice of Hercules between two very different paths in life. The image above, illustrating the homepage of this blog, is one of the drawings by Steve K. Simons, the book's illustrator, of a chimneypiece panel in a neoclassical villa at Roehampton in South West London. The lessons centre on this panel.

Friday 27 April 2018

HOMEWORK! For: 'At every crossroads' - Introducing a Hercules themed resource pack for use with autistic children

In a few weeks’ time, I shall be heading to Warsaw for a programme of workshops, beginning on 14 May, in connection with the project Our Mythical Childhood. Along with the other speakers, I have been given the opportunity to set pre-event readings and tasks. What I have decided to do is to so set some homework!
Here are the tasks I have set. All are welcome to take part, irrespective of whether you’ll be gathering in Warsaw!

Homework J

I have decided to respond as follows to the option of setting homework ahead of our gatherings in Warsaw.
In preparation for my session – which will take place on the Wednesday – I would like to invite you to read the blog that I write on my work for the ‘autism’ wing of our project: https://myth-autism.blogspot.co.uk/
In particular, I would suggest that you read the postings that I put up during February 2018. These present the activities that I have drafted concerning the Choice of Hercules. The specific links are below.
As optional extra homework, I would like to invite you to join an Academia Session that I set up recently for discussion of the blog and in particular of the Choice of Hercules activities. If you’d like to make any comments here, I would be honoured. Those of you who have already joined the Session (thank you so much) have already completed this part of the homework! The link is: https://www.academia.edu/s/9ee0ea5a76/autism-and-classical-mythology-introducing…-a-set-of-activities-for-use-with-autistic-children-on-the-theme-of-the-choice-of-hercules?source=link

The Choice of Hercules Activities

Preliminary Activity: Choice of Hercules











Susan Deacy, 26.04.18





1 comment:

Susan Deacy said...

I was really pleased to see 8 visits to this posting quite soon after I put it up. I've been looking to date at where blog visitors come from. Here's where the vistors to date to this latest posting are based:

Peru 4
Germany 1
France 1
United Kingdom 1
United States 1